Michael Karsten 

Delivery person 

I’m tired of the government giving us a choice between two shitty candidates. We need someone who represents the best interests of the average American. I kind of liked Bernie Sanders when he was running, and I thought that Robert Kennedy would be a good choice for president. But the media has portrayed him as a kind of whack job. 

Christine Miner 

Senior admin analyst 

I moved here from Los Angeles three years ago. There are more and more people here. It’s become crowded. Buildings and apartments are going up everywhere. My friends wanted me to move here because it was less expensive and less crowded. I’m starting to feel a little bit like I’m back in L.A. Congestion on the roads in the last year has become crazy. I’m tired of it already. 

Ron Peck 


I’m sick and tired of politics. It doesn’t seem that the left or the right know what they’re doing. It’s very divisive. Can’t we all just get along and be one big happy family? There is too much prejudice. We need to treat people fairly and be nice to each other. White, black, brown, green or blue—it doesn’t matter. Be respectful of each other. 

Billy Stephany 


I’m tired of all the changes. Everything is always changing, especially if you’ve lived in Reno for a long time. Downtown is especially changing. Harrah’s is gone. It was supposed to be made into a mall, shops and condos, and now the company just filed for bankruptcy. Fourth Street has also changed. There used to be all these friendly, small stores. This town has changed, and so have the people. 

Kathleen Youmans 


I’m tired of being tired. No matter what I do, I’m just tired. Things used to be easy, and now I have to save up all my energy for work. I rest up on my days off, and go to bed early, and that doesn’t even help that much. I used to be able to power my way through things, and now I have to put a lot of effort into it. 

Tagged: featuredPIzza BaronPoliticsRenoUrban devleopment

David Robert is the photo editor of the Reno News & Review. In his first stint as the RN&R’s photo editor, he won multiple Nevada Press Association and Association of Alternative Newsmedia awards…
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